We care about our environment and our community.
Weaving Roots Farm uses organic and regenerative practices for our vegetables. We are not certified yet, but it is on the table for our future. Instead of toxic chemicals, we utilize cover crops, composting, no-till methods, crop rotation, row cover for insects, flowers (for beneficial insects) and more as part of our dedication to sustainable farming. We are also using no-till methods with deep compost mulch, tarping, and woodchipped pathways. We strive to create the best and healthiest soil to create the best and healthiest food! As the years go on, we hope to continue to improve the soil, our insect and bird friends, and build a strong bond within our farm and our community.
We grow vegetables for sale at the Saturday Adams County Market, a vegetable CSA, and to restaurants. We specialize in unique and heirloom varieties as well as grow tried and true standards.